Sunday, July 21, 2013

How to Paint a Red Wall- Part 2

If you haven't read Part 1.... maybe you should. Did you read it? Good. Congratulations you have extraordinary taste! The only question is do you have the determination to make your wall the deep dark red or bold bright crimson red you are dreaming of?

I did or well I thought I did until I was debating on a 4th coat of paint. Yes I said 4th. My walls are a creamy color which aren't bad but I wanted some warmth to my home and my giant red wall gave me just that. I chose the largest wall in my home to paint red. Not so smart. The paint guy at home depot told me it should take two maybe three coats. Well, he was wrong.

Let me start by saying buy the BEST paint and primer that you can afford. I read some posts after already painting two coats that suggest that first painting your wall gray helps the red coat better. I would certainly take that in to consideration. I have a friend with a very gorgeous red wall. It took her two coats however she painted over green. Clearly I was doomed from the start.

So I taped off everything because I can't "cut in" with a paintbrush to save my life. Major Fail. My walls have a slight texture to them so even though I went over the tape and made sure it was stuck the wall, somehow paint still crept under it, EVERYWHERE. My friend with the awesome red wall suggested that I purchase a paint edger. It is a little pad with a handle and wheels that keep it an even distance from your molding, ceiling, trim, etc. I haven't tried it yet but I'll just take it from her that it works amazing. I'm kind of getting the feeling I should have asked her for advice before I started painting but hindsight is always 20/20.

So it took a gallon and a quart of paint. I used Glidden Paint and Primer the color is Martha Stewart Barn. On the third coat which was the quart plus a little from the gallon, I mixed about 3oz of Floetrol into the paint. It helped spread it more evenly before it dried. It dried darker than it appeared right after I painted it, thank goodness!

Below are the photos. The original wall color, followed by the first, second and third coat of paint. Finally, there is a picture with wall decor where you can see that it doesn't look too bad after all!

This wall is also EXTREMELY difficult to photograph because the light coming in glares on the wall and shines too bright for a good photo. I did the best I could.

Hope your red wall adventures are easier than mine were!


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